Saturday, 30 June 2012

Physical Condition Benefits

 Physical Condition Benefits of Coffee and Tea Embrace Security Touching Brain Tumors:

Good news for the coffee and tea drinkers among us. A new study suggests that the benefits of coffee and tea might include a lower chance of developing the most common type of malignant brain tumors. The findings are the result of a study of over half a million European adults and add weight to recent U.S. work that linked higher coffee and tea intake to a lower risk of glooms, a type of tumor that accounts for almost 80% of malignant brain cancers in adults.
The findings come from an ongoing study looking at potential risk factors for brain cancer in ten European countries. At the start, 521,488 adults between 25 and 70 years old filled out detailed questionnaires on their diet, exercise habits, smoking status and other lifestyle factors as well as their complete medical history. For this particular analysis, the team centered on just over 400,000 participants who were frees of cancer and also had supplied complete dietary information.
Over 8 and half years of follow up, 343 of the subjects were diagnosed with gloom; a further 245 were diagnosed with a normally benign type of brain tumor known as meningioma.
Things got interesting when the researchers grouped subjects by coffee/tea intake and then looked at two groups in particular.
One group averaged at least 3.5 ounces of coffee/tea per day, the other drank less than this amount, or none at all. The heavier coffee/tea drinkers were a third less likely to be diagnosed with gloom, even after factors like age and smoking history were taken into account. There was no connection with meningioma risk.
The thing is, there was no dose response association (if you drank more you got better protection), generally considered a stronger indication of cause-and-effect. The difficulty could come from the problems involved in accurately measuring how much coffee or tea the study subjects actually drank.
Of course, these findings, no matter how promising, do not mean that these two beverages themselves bring the protection. It's still too early to be sure.
It is biologically possible that coffee or tea could affect the risk of gloom. A recent study in the lab showed that caffeine appears to slow down the development of glioblastoma, a type of gloom.
We also know that both coffee and tea have antioxidants that are known to help protect cells from damage that leads to cancer and other diseases. It may just be that those who drink these beverages have other characteristics that could impact the likelihood they develop gloom.
Brain tumors are not very common, and in Europe the annual rates are estimated at 4 to 6 cases for every 100,000 women and 6 to 8 cases for every 100,000 men. The odds that you will develop a cancerous brain tumor in your lifetime are actually less than 1%. Researchers have also identified some risks - radiation therapy (most commonly of the head) or genetic predisposition is considered likely. As are being male, white and over 70 years old. Findings on links with brain tumors and diet or chemical exposure remain inconclusive.
Research on cell phones continues as well, though so far no study has found an increase risk of brain tumors among users.
If you're concerned about your own risk or want to learn more about the benefits of coffee and tea, talk with your doctor to learn things you might to do to help yourself stay healthy, as well as plan checkups going forward. Being proactive and staying informed is important.

Brain cancer Region Possessions

 Brain Cancer Chemotherapy Region Possessions:

Chemotherapy is one of the most popular methods of killing cancer within the body. It uses combinations of chemical compounds that kill off microorganisms. Though chemotherapy is an effective treatment it also comes with some negative consequences. Brain cancer chemotherapy side effects may include a loss of hair. It is possible to lose hair other than the top of the head. Hair loss may occur under armpits, face or even the groin area as well. Another concern includes feelings of nausea or the need to vomit. This usually occurs directly after receiving treatment. It can last for several hours after as well.
Some of the most common brain cancer chemotherapy side effects also include changes in bone marrow. Bone marrow is the liquid substances in side of bones. It is responsible for the production of red and white blood cells as well as platelets. During the chemotherapy process it interrupts bone marrows ability to produce enough cells that are vital to carrying oxygen and to fight off infections. It may also interfere with the body's ability to stop excessive bleeding from cuts. It may also leave brain cancer patients feeling weak as well.
Some brain cancer chemotherapy may affect sexual ability. It may reduce sexual desire. Sexual desire will resume at the end of chemotherapy treatments. Though sexual desire may return it may cause problems with infertility in women. Exposure to the drugs in chemotherapy may reduce the ability to become pregnant or produce children. While some may be physically able to perform sex the desire may not be there. This is not a cause for concern, as the desire will reemerge once chemotherapy sessions are completed.
Chemotherapy can be prevented if the proper methods are used. Physical conditioning before chemo is started may determine the severity of its adverse reaction. Not all chemotherapy treatments are the same so some individuals may experience more or even less side effects from therapy than others. If you experience memory function or memory loss as a result of chemotherapy it is best to talk to your doctor about possible solutions.

Brain cancer Humanity Extensive

 Brain Cancer Belongings on the Climb Humanity Extensive:

Most people don't know a lot about brain cancer, although I am sure everyone will admit they don't want anything to do with it. Unfortunately, brain cancers are on the rise world-wide and there are many reasons for this. It is brain cancer  a very serious problem and challenge for the future of humanity - not only for the inflicted but also due to the severe challenges it causes with health-care costs and family issues.
Did you know in places like Japan and other Asian nations that brain cancers are severely on the rise? It's true. But this is not the only place where there are problems, problems which are getting worse. Indeed, I'd like to take this opportunity to get you to think about brain cancers, and some of the causes and what we can all do to help. Let's talk about this topic, one which no one really wants to discuss.
In Asian countries the populations have always eaten lots of fish, but due to pollution in the oceans, the fish have plastics inside of them, and toxins like mercury for instance. This is causing a terrible problem and this is why brain cancers are way up in these nations. Although there is a lot of data in Japan on this, other nations have been slow to notice the rise or attribute it to the pollution problem - worse, the very nations which do the most polluting, don't even realize its killing their population and causing cancer.
And, it's not just in Asia, the Pacific Islanders and Polynesians never had a problem with cancers of the brain, but now they do. Indeed, much of the fish bought, sold, and shipped world-wide comes from polluted oceans, meaning they are not alone by any means, it's something very serious for US populations too.
We need the Omega 3 in our diets, but the toxic fish seem to be part of that trade off, one we really can't afford at all. Still, even without the problem with the fish there is yet, an even more serious issue which needs to be addressed. Can you guess what that is?
If you guessed "frequency pollution" you guessed right. Our cell phones although low-wattage are a contributor to brain cancers show Swiss Studies and Research. Unfortunately, the public is ill-informed on this. Luckily the wattage of current cell-phone technology is a lot less than it was which a start is and that helps tremendously.
However, what about all the Wife systems, and mobile electronics these days? Yes, all potential contributors, and just these two reasons alone are why we will continue to see more brain cancers in the future. I hope you will please consider all this and do your own research to verify what I've said here today.

Brain cancer Symptoms

 Brain Cancer Symptoms:

Brain cancer is usually caused by growth of cancer cells in the brain itself or the spread of brain cancer cells to the brain from other parts of the body. In the former case it is categorized as primary and in the latter as secondary. The tumor may be benign or malignant. If benign, brain cancer it may not be life threatening. The malignant one is cancerous and is the leading killer among all types of cancer.
Most of the initial symptoms of Brain Cancer are usually passed off as routine medical problems and get associated with common ailments. However, they do show some indications which can serve as a warning.
Commonly Associated Symptoms
* A gradual feeling of lethargy with every passing day.
* Signs of general weakness.
* Vomiting.
* Dizziness or maybe a short blackout spell.
* Fever coupled with hallucinations.
* Persistent migraine or full blown headache.
* Decline in vision or hearing.
* Lack of coordination while performing routine tasks like eating or walking etc.
* Stumbling due to unexplained reasons.
Additional Symptoms
* Feeling of numbness in both arms and legs or either arm(s) or leg(s).
* Experiencing weakness on only one side of the body.
* Both or either arm(s) or leg(s) getting numb for a period of time.
* Swelling in the brain detected during a scan.
* Hydrocephalus.
Brain Cancer affects that organ of the body which controls all other body functions. As a result, as this cancer progresses, newer and newer symptoms will keep emerging in the patient which will restrict his functioning if remedial action is not taken to control the growth. Since cancer cells will start dominating the brain cells, a direct impact will be in the form of:
* Loss of memory - initially small spells but will gradually increase.
* Failing of motor organs.
* Loss of balance and equilibrium.
* Slurring of speech.
* The patient's gait changes distinctly.
* Visible changes in personality, lack of focus and attention.
Brain Cancer is a killer. However, with more and more research being conducted to stem its spread and increase chances of a patient surviving, doctors have combined doses of radiation and chemo therapy. Where possible, surgery is being resorted to remove the tumor followed by radiation to make the patient cancer free.

Sequence about Brain cancer

In Sequence about Brain Cancer:

The words brain cancer seem to tend to bring with them terror over and above that of other forms of cancer, however, as terrible as this form of cancer is, and I don't mean to minimize it, brain cancer does not necessarily mean death. Sometimes brain cancerous tumors of the brain will not spread out to other areas of the body but will simply stay in the cranial cavity itself. It will however, often attack other tissues in that area and result in serious problems and challenges.
Sometimes the tumor will grow and push parts of the brain causing various reactions such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, comas, times when the victim will seem to be out of touch and unresponsive to people and things around him. Also, there will often be a dilation of the eye on the side where the tumor is located. Eye doctors will often notice differences in the eye and the eye responses during an eye examination. In very young children, this pushing can result in an increase of the size of the skull itself.
It may also result in certain neurological symptoms, cognitive impairment of various kinds, changes in behavior, personality, emotional responses or initiations,
It may also result in physical challenges, such as the loss of the sense of smell, loss or partial loss of sight, loss or partial loss of hearing, problems with swallowing, paralysis on one side of the body, stroke, traumatic brain injury, seizures and other problems, depending on what part of the brain the tumor is pressing against.
It is also to be noted that in some cases there will be no noticeable symptoms or that the symptoms will be so seemingly minor that the person's life will go on as usual with no or with very minor, hardly noticeable changes.
A person's health is important. If it is not taken care of properly, things like brain cancer may take over and change things and there will be no changing back. It is important to follow one's doctor's advice. Go for periodic checkups. If you find that something doesn't seem quite right, don't wait, make an appointment and go to the doctor. Your doctor has the equipment to look into things and find out. If he/she finds nothing wrong, celebrate, don't gripe about wasted money. If he/she does find something wrong, be glad you went and got help immediately, it can make all the difference; the difference between being a victim of brain cancer or a victory over brain cancer.