Tardy Things: Cognitive Change That
Can Result From Cancer Treatment:
with families and patients show that a cancer diagnosis and treatment is
unbelievably stressful and draining, and it feels as though a child who
survives surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and any other issues and
complications brain cancer that come their way has certainly dealt with enough.
Unfortunately, survivors of childhood brain tumors frequently develop problems
after the initial battle is won, in the areas of intellectual ability, academic
achievement, memory, and attention. Cognitive changes are not uncommon among
brain tumor survivors; however, the extent to which any one change will take
effect depends on many different factors, including tumor location and surgery,
age at diagnosis and treatment with radiation therapy.
problems such as seizures and muscle coordination problems are relatively
common among childhood brain tumor survivors. These sorts of disabilities often
develop around the time of diagnosis or after initial surgery, but sometimes
they may first appear months to years after diagnosis. Radiation injury to the
brain may, on rare occasions, because brain cancer delayed neurological problems that may
become not become apparent until 10 or more years after treatment.
problems such as impaired vision and hearing may also develop, both early in
the course of diagnosis and treatment and years after treatments are finished.
Radiation can cause delayed visual problems through several different
mechanisms. Direct damage to the eye nerves (optic nerves) can infrequently
result in visual changes years after treatment. In rare instances, previous
radiation can produce cataracts in the eyes that can interfere with normal
vision. If your child has had surgery near the eye or eye nerves or has had
radiation to the head, regular visits to an eye specialist (ophthalmologist)
are highly recommended. Hearing difficulties are also common after treatment
for brain tumors and, in general, remain stable or even decrease in severity
over time. Under certain circumstances, though, hearing problems have been shown
to get worse or appear for the first time months to years after treatment ends.
Children who receive treatment with the combination of the drug cisplatin and
radiation to the brain appear to be at the greatest risk for developing delayed
hearing problems. Periodic hearing tests should be performed for all children
at risk for hearing problems as well as for any child who is experiencing
academic or learning difficulties.
disabilities are particularly common among brain tumor survivors and are difficult
and frustrating. Many children with learning disabilities require special
education services at school. Moreover, one may observe deterioration in
function over time, particularly in children who were treated with radiation to
the brain at a young age. Like any other problematic issue, early detection of
a problem is the best way to combat it, and this assessment is best
accomplished by working closely with a pediatric neuropsychologist who has
experience working with children with brain tumors. As symptoms may develop
over time, it is extremely important to reassess cognitive functioning
periodically in all survivors who are at high risk, as well as in survivors who
are experiencing academic difficulties. This is done by administering a battery
of tests known as psychometric or neuropsychological tests.
major medical centers will have trained neuropsychologists on staff, as will
many schools, who can administer these exams. It is critical at the time of
testing that you have available to you a detailed history of your child's
previous therapy. This should include the exact diagnosis and date of
diagnosis, the names, modalities and total doses of all chemotherapy drugs, the
doses and sites of all previous radiation therapy, the sites of all surgeries,
and the start and stop dates for each treatment. This information can usually
be obtained from the team supervising your child's cancer therapy. At the end
of treatment, it's a good idea for you to ask your child's neuron-oncology team
to review with you the treatments your child received as well as any late
effects that might occur as a result of these therapies. If appropriate, this
may be the time to begin to make arrangements for follow-up treatment with
specific specialists (for example, a neuropsychologist or pediatric
endocrinologist), as preparing for your child's follow-up care early, at the
end of planned therapy, helps ensure a smooth transition from treatment to life
after treatment.
created a medical data sheet to hand over to all new medical professionals we
came into contact with. It was helpful that we maintained our journal even
after treatment ended, for over the years, it is a quick and easy resource to
rely on."
-Parent of Brain Tumor Survivor
-Parent of Brain Tumor Survivor
problems are identified, then the school must provide your child with
appropriate services. Although this is now mandated by federal law, you and the
members of the medical team may need to advocate for your child to get all the
services to which he or she is entitled.
effects are new problems that can occur months to years after therapy has
ended. Whether or not a child will develop a late effect depends on a number of
factors. The most important of these factors include the type and amount of
treatment an individual received (for example, radiation therapy, specific
chemotherapy drugs) and the child's age at the time of treatment. Other factors
include the type of tumor and its location within the brain. In general,
children who are treated at a young age (younger than 7 years) and those who
receive the most intensive therapy (for example, high doses of radiation
combined with high doses of several chemotherapy drugs) are more likely to
develop late effects.
it is important to remember that everyone is unique and that no two people
react in exactly the same way to a given treatment. Equally important is that
being at risk for a given problem does not necessarily mean a child will
develop the problem. Clearly, knowing the details of your child's cancer
treatments is essential and will help your child's health care providers, both
current and future, determine which late effects your child may develop over
time. Knowledge is power and it can only help you to combat cognitive problems
that may arise.
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