Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Ascend General Brain Cancer


Ascend General Brain Cancer Effects of brain tumors in compassion Ascend General Brain Cancer:

Most people do not know much about brain tumors, although I'm sure that we all agree that they have nothing to do with him. Unfortunately, brain tumors are increasing worldwide and there are several reasons for this. Brain cancer is a very serious problem and a challenge for the future of mankind - caused not only for individuals, but also because of the serious problems with the cost of health care and family.
Did you know that? In places like Japan and other Asian countries that are heavily brain cancer on the rise it’s true. But this is not the only place where there are problems that get worse. In fact, I would like to take this opportunity to think it over brain tumors, and some of the causes and what we can do to help. We discuss this issue that nobody wants to talk about.
In Asian populations have always eaten a lot of fish, but. Because of the pollution of the oceans, plastic fish inside and toxins such as mercury, for example, what is a terrible problem, and why brain tumors in the countries concerned. While there are a lot of data on this subject in Japan, other countries arise increase slowly or attributed pollution problem - what is worse, the same countries, the most of to pollution, not recognize his death population and the cause’s cancer.
And not just in Asia, the Pacific Islands and the Polynesians never had a problem with brain tumors, but now. In fact, the majority of fish purchased, sold and delivered to the world of the pollution of the oceans, which means that they are not alone, is by all means, come, this is very serious for the people of the United States.
We need omega-3 in our diet, but poisonous fish seem to be part of this compensation, you cannot really afford. But even without the problem of fish, however, is another important issue that must be considered. Can you guess what it is?
If your answer is "frequency pollution" hit. Our cell phones, including low-power are contributing to brain tumors show Swiss studies and research. Unfortunately, the public is wrong about them. Fortunately, the power of mobile technology today is much smaller than it was, it's a start and it helps a lot.
But what about all the systems of the woman and portable electronic devices these days? Yes, all potential contributors, and these two are the only reasons why I continue to see more cases of brain tumors in the future. I hope you will please consider all this and do your own research to verify what I have said here today.

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